Effect of Education Program on Students Stress Training, Based on Self-Efficacy Theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Mashhad University of Medical Sciences

2 Mashhad University of Mashhad


Background & Objectives: Studies have shown that the level of stress and its complications has increased to a large extent in people's lives, causing concern among many institutions and organizations, including the World Health Organization..there is several ways To reduce the negative effects of stress on the academic performance of students. One of these ways, stress management training. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of self-efficacy theory on stress management based on high school girls in Bojnord 2017.
Materials and Methods:In this quasi-experimental study, 60 students from one classes attending the Junior High School bojnurd in 2016 winter were classified using cluster sampling and randomly divided into two case and control groups. The instruments used included demographic questionnaire and self-efficacy questionnaire for children (SEQ-C) and check list of coping skills (CS-R). when the questionnaire completed by the students in each group, then students who are in the intervention group received training based on self-efficacy theory. the control group did not receive any intervention in this time. the questionnaire was completed by students in both groups After the training sessions and 3 months later.
Findings: The results showed difference in mean scores of self-efficacy, social, educational, emotional, general and scores of strategies for problem-oriented, emotional, insecure and less self image in students was developed after educational intervention compared to the control group significantly. (p <0.001).
Conclusion: The results showed that training intervention based on self-efficacy theory affect on coping skills in Adolescents.Therefore, it is recommended that appropriate and relevant programs be carried out by experts and school personnel in the presence of stress during adolescence.


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